Luo Hanbin



       Phone: (86) 13808623604


     Academic Areas: Digital Construction

     Research Interests:Virtual, Safe and Automated Construction

Academic Degrees

PhD in Management, 2008, Wuhan University of Technology
BA in Civil Engineering, 1985, Wuhan University of Technology

Professional Experience

2008/11--present, Professor, PhD supervisor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Construction Management;
2000/05-2008/10, Associate Professor, Deputy Head, Head of Discipline, Construction Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology;
1998/12-2000/05, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Construction and Management, Wuhan Urban Construction Institute;

Selected Publications

[1]. Hanbin Luo, Peisong Gong*, A BIM-based Code Compliance Checking Process of Deep Foundation Construction Plans [J], Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems [J], 2015, 79(3): 549-576.
[2]. Liulin Kong, Heng Li, Hanbin Luo*, et al. Optimal single-machine batch scheduling for the manufacture, transportation and JIT assembly of precast construction with changeover costs within due dates, Automation in Construction [J]. 2017, 81:34-43.
[3]. Ying Zhou, Wanjun Su, Lieyun Ding, Hanbin Luo*, Predicting Safety Risks in Deep Foundation Pits in Subway Infrastructure Projects: Support Vector Machine Approach, ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering [J], 2017, 31(5).
[4]. Chen L J, Luo H B*. A BIM-based construction quality management model and its applications [J]. Automation in Construction, 2014, 46: 64-73.
[5]. Wang F, Ding L Y, Luo H B*, et al. Probabilistic risk assessment of tunneling-induced damage to existing properties [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2014, 41(4): 951-961.
[6]. Kumanayake, R., and Luo, H B. A tool for assessing life cycle CO2 emissions of buildings in Sri Lanka [J]. Building and Environment. 2018.
[7]. Ding, L Y., Fang, W L., Luo, H B., et al. A deep hybrid learning model to detect unsafe behavior: Integrating convolution neural networks and long short-term memory [J]. Automation in Construction, 2018, 86:118-124.
[8]. Zhou, Y., Luo, H B., and Yang, Y H. Implementation of augmented reality for segment displacement inspection during tunneling construction [J]. Automation in Construction, 2017, 82:112-121.
[9]. Love, P.E.D., Ding, L Y., Luo, H B. Systems thinking in workplace safety and health in construction: Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Accident Analysis & Prevention [J] 2016, 93, 227-229.
[10]. Guo, J., Ding, L Y., Luo, H B., et al. Wavelet prediction method for ground deformation induced by tunneling [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 41:137-151.
[11]. Ma, L., Ding, L Y., Luo, H B. Non-linear description of ground settlement over twin tunnels in soil [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 42:144-151.
[12]. Wang, X., Yung, P., Luo, H., et al. An innovative method for project control in LNG project through 5D CAD: A case study [J]. Automation in Construction, 2014, 45:126-135.

Courses Taught

240.863: Lean Construction and Management
240.625: BIM Based Engineering Project Management
240.616: Construction Engineering Management Informatization
1200793: Real Estate Development
1204881: Introduction to Civil Engineering and Management


Research and development of integrated device for safety perception and early warning in metro construction
Research on the vulnerability assessment and control strategy for urban metro system


National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2nd Prize, 2014
Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education, 1st Prize, 2012
Science and Technology Progress Award of Hubei Province, 1st Prize, 2010