Zhu Aizhu


     Associate Professor

       Phone: (86) 13545158888

     Email: zhuaizhu1228@163.com zhuaizhu1228@hust.edu.cn

     Academic Areas: Structural Engineering

     Research Interests:Steel structures; Composite structures

Academic Degrees

PhD in Structural Engineering, 2007, Wuhan University
MD in Structural Engineering, 2004, Wuhan University
Bachelor of Engineering, 2002, Wuhan University

Professional Experience

1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor (2012-present)
2. The University of Edinburgh, visiting scholar(2013-2014)
3. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Lecturer(2009-2012)
4. Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Post-doc(2007-2009)

Selected Publications

1. Guo Yaojie, Zhu Aizhu, Pi Yonglin, et.al. Experimental study on compressive strengths of thick-walled cold-formed sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2007, 63(5): 718-23
2. Zhu Aizhu, Zhu Hongping,Guo Yaojie. Study on the bolting top-joint of substation truss-column, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2009(65):1001-1006
3. Zhu Hongping, Chen Chulong, Zhu Aizhu*, Isolation performance study of the Hongkong-zhuhai-macao bridge engineering, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami Vol. 7, No. 3 (2013) 1350018
4. Weng Shun, Zhu Aizhu*,Zhu Hongping,et.al. Dynamic condensation approach to the calculation of eigensensitivity, Computers and Structures 2014, 132: 55-64
5. Zhu Aizhu, Lu Yong and Zhu Hongping. Experimental study of concrete-filled cold-formed steel tubular columns. The 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, China, Hefei, 24-27, October, 2014, Vol. II: 1994-2004
6. Zhu Aizhu, Luo Lulu, Zhu Hongping.Experimental study on concrete-filled cold-formed steel tubular stub columns, Tubular Structures XIV,2012.9:73-80
7. Zhu Aizhu, Chen Xianchuan, Zhu Hongping. Analysis of concrete-filled unstiffened and stiffened cold-formed stub columns, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Structural Engineering,2010,246–252
8. Wang Lei, Zhu Jihua, Zhu Aizhu, Zhu Hongping. Numerical study on displacement response of electric truss–columns under earthquake loads, Tubular Structures XIII, 2010,159–165

Courses Taught

Bridge engineering
Railway steel bridges
Steel structure and bridge


1. Study on the fatigue properties of the orthotropic steel bridge deck of Yang si gang Yangtze River Bridge(2014-2015)
2. Study on aseismic performance of self-consolidating concrete filled cold-formed medium wall steel tubular piers, The National Natural Science Foundation of China (2012-2014)
3. Study on concrete filled cold-formed medium wall rectangular steel stub tubes, Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China(2011-2013)
4. Isolation performance study of the Hongkong-zhuhai-macao bridge engineering,(2011-2012)
