Chen Jianqiao



       Phone: (027) 87543738


     Academic Areas: Solid Mechanics

     Research Interests:Strength and reliability analysis of composites, Reliability-based design optimization of structures, Fracture mechanics and structural integrity, Global optimization methods

Academic Degrees

PhD in Mechanical Eng, 1988, Nagoya University, Japan;
BA Solid Mechanics, 1982, Huazhong Univ Sci Tech, Wuhan, China.

Professional Experience

Professor (1999-present); School of Civil Eng & Mechanics, HUST Associate Professor (1997-1999); Toyohashi Univ Tech, Japan
Associate Professor (1995-1996); Tottori Univ, Tottori, Japan
Associate Professor (1993-1995); Toyohashi Univ Tech, Japan
Associate Professor (1991-1993); Department of Mechanics, HUST
Lecture (1988-1991); Department of Mechanics, HUST

Selected Publications

1. J.Chen, S.Takezono: The Dislocation-Free Zone at a Mode I Crack Tip, Eng Fract Mech, 50, 1995: 165-173.
2. J.Chen, S.Takezono, G.Li, T.Tanaka: Effect of Laser Cladding on Fatigue Strength of an Alloy Steel (in Japanese), J. Soc. Mater Sci, 44, 1995: 343-347.
3. J.Chen, S.Takezono: Formulation of Maintenance Economy of Structures (in Japanese) , Trans. JSME, 61, 1995: 1890-1895.
4. J.Chen, S.Takezono: Propagation of Small Surface Cracks in Austenitic Stainless Steel at High Temp, Eng Fract Mech, 54, 1996: 751-759.
5. S.Kitaoka, J.Chen, N.Egami, J.Hasegawa: Measurement of Biaxial Stress Using an Electro-deposited Copper Foil, JSME Int. J., 39, 1996: 533-539.
6. J.Chen, S.Takezono, K.Tao, T.Hazawa: Application of Fracture Mechanics to the Surface Crack Propagation in Stainless Steel at Elevated Temperature, Acta Materialia, 45, 1997: 2495-2500.
7. J.Chen, Y.Takao, W.Wang,S.Kitaoka: Reliability of Structural Components under Non-periodic Inspection and the Optimum Inspection Plan, Trans. Japan Soc. Aeronautical and Space Science, 40, 1997: 185-195.
8. J.Chen, S.Kitaoka: Distribution of Dislocations at a Mode I Crack tip and Their Shielding Effect, Inter J Fracture, 100, 2000: 307-320.
9. J.Chen ,S.Takezono, M.Nagata, Z.Chen, T.Fujita: Influence of stacking sequence on the damage growth in CFRP laminates, Mat. Sci. Res. Inter., 7, 2001: 178-185.
10. J.Chen, X.Wang, C.Luo: Reliability of FRP Laminated Plates with Consideration of both Initial Imperfection and Failure Sequence, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 15-3, 2002:227-235.
11. M.Nagata, S.Takezono, J.Chen: The effect of loading direction and/or stacking sequence on the strength in quasi-isotropic CFRP laminates, Mat. Sci. Res. Inter., 9, 2003: 131 – 137.
12. X.Wang, J.Chen: Robust optimum design of laminated composite plates,Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 17, 2004: 315-322。
13. J Chen, J Wei, Y Xu: Fuzzy reliability analysis of laminated composites, Structural Eng. Mechanics, 22-6, 2006: 665-683.
14. J Wei, J Chen, R Ge: Fuzzy reliability-based optimum design of laminated composites,Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 19, 2006: 255-263.
15. J Wei, J Chen: Fuzzy robust design of FRP laminates, J of Composite Materials,42-2, 2008: 211-223.
16. R.Ge, J.Chen, J.Wei: Reliability-based design of Composites under the mixed uncertainties and the optimization algorithm, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 21, 2008: 19-27.
17. J.Chen, R.Ge, J.Wei: Probabilistic optimal design of laminates using improved particle swarm optimization. Engineering Optimization, 40- 8, 2008:695-708.
18. J.Chen, W Peng, R.Ge, J.Wei: Optimal design of composite laminates for minimizing delamination stresses by Particle Swarm Optimization combined with FEM, Structural Eng. Mechanics, 31-4, 2009: 407-421.
19. T.Wang; J.Luo; Z.Xiao; J.Chen: On the nucleation of a Zener crack from a wedge disclination dipole in the presence of a circular inhomogeneity,European J of Mechanics, A/Solids, 28, 2009: 688-96.
20. C.Chen, J.Chen, X.Guo: Influences of Overtaking on Two-lane Traffic with Signals, Physica-A. 389, 2010: 141-148.
21. W Peng, J Chen, J Wei, W Tu: Optimal strength design for Fiber-metal laminates and Fiber-reinforced plastic laminates, J of Composite Materials. 45, 2011:237-254.
22. P.Zhang, Y.Wang, J.Xie, J.Chen: Effects of welding parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of resistance spot welded DP600 joints. Science and Technology of Welding & Joining, 16, 2011: 567-574(8).
23. X Guo, J Chen, Y Zheng, J Wei: A heterogeneous lattice gas model for simulating pedestrian evacuation. Physica A, 391, 2012:582-592.
24. Y Zheng, J Chen, J Wei, X Guo: Modeling of pedestrian evacuation based on the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Physica A, 391, 2012: 4225-4233.
25. Y Tang, J Chen, J Wei: A sequential algorithm for reliability-based robust design optimization under epistemic uncertainty. J Mechanical Design, 134(1), 2012: 014502-1-10.
26. J Chen, Y Tang, R Ge, Q An, X Guo: Reliability Design Optimization of Composite Structures Based on PSO together with FEA, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 26, 2013: 343-349.
27. Y Tang, J Chen, J Wei: A surrogate-based particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving optimization problems with expensive black box functions, Engineering Optimization, 45, 2013: 557-576.
28. X Guo, J Chen*, S You: Modeling of pedestrian evacuation under fire emergency based on an extended heterogeneous lattice gas model. Physica A. 392, 2013: 1994-2006.
29. J Chen, Y Tang: Application of surrogate based particle swarm optimization to the reliability-based robust design of composite pressure vessels. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 26, 2013: 480-490.
30. J Chen, Y Tang: Sequential algorithms for structural design optimization under tolerance conditions, Engineering Optimization, 46, 2014: 1183-1199
31. X Huang, J Chen: A time dependent reliability model of deteriorating structures based on stochastic processes and Bayesian inference methods, J of Engineering Mechanics, 141, 2015: 04014123-1,11.
32. X Huang, J Chen, H Zhu, Assessing smaill failure probabilities by AK-SS: an active learning method combining Kriging and Subset Simulation. Structural Safety, 59, 2016: 86–95

Courses Taught

151.203: Strength of Engineering Materials
0801341: Mechanics of Composites
0800073: Mechanics of Materials


1. Optimum design of FRP laminates (The Ministry of Education, China, 2000-2002).
2. Strength robustness of Fiber reinforced plastic laminates (NSFC 10272049, 2003-2005).
3. Reliability-based design of structures under incomplete information (NSFC 10772070, 2008-2010).
4. Reliability-based design of FLMs under mixed uncertainties (Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, 2008-2010)
5. A new combined model for pedestrian's egress process and the risk minimum design (NSFC 50978113, 2010-2012).
6. Simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in hot dip galvanizing (Wuhan Iron & Steel Company Limited, Major project 2011-34, 2011-2014)
7. Time-variant reliability analysis and an optimal control framework for life cycle optimization of deteriorating structures (NSFC 11572134, 2016- 2019).
