The Second International Workshop on Systems Thinking in Construction washeld successfullyat HUST from 28th May to 29th May. Vice-President LIANGQian attended the opening ceremony and addressed a speech. The workshop was jointly organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Curtin University. Professors from Curtin University, University of Newcastle, Swinburne University of Technology, Nottingham Trent University, City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, National University of Singapore, Birmingham City University and Tsinghua University, Southeast University, Chongqing University as well as Zhejiang University took part in this workshop. Besides, specialists from Shanghai Railway Tunnel Group and China Communications Construction Company Second Harbour Engineering Company LTD as well as faculty members, doctoral and masters students attended the workshop. All in all, about 60 people attended the meeting.
The main topic of this workshop is on engineering construction efficiency. 18 scholars, specialists and industry delegates including Professor Peter ED Love from Curtin University, Professor LI Heng from The Hongkong Polytechnic University, Professor FANG Dongping from Qinghua University, Professor ZOU Xiaowei from Swinburne University of Technology, Professor ZhANG Hong from Zhejiang University, Professor Peter Davis from University of Newcastle, Professor David Edwards from Birmingham City University, and Professor LUO Hanbin from Hongzhong University of Science and Technology presented their research, which brought discussion, enlightenment and thinking for all the participants.
WEN Feng, the Secretary of the Party Committee of our school was present at the workshop.

Vice President Liang Qian was addressing the opening speech

Professor Luo Hanbin was introducing the workshop

Participants were visiting the labs