
Phone: (027) 87543238


Academic Areas: Mechanical Manufacture

Research Interests: Manufacture and Quality Control of Automobile body

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (6/1996)

Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (3/1990)

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (7/1987)

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Professional Experience

Professor( 11/2008 ~ present): Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Associate Professor(11/2000 ~ 10/2008): Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Research Fellow (4/1997 ~ 10/1999): Wooshin System Co.,LTD, Siheung, Kyunggi, Korea

Engineer (3/1990 ~ 2/1993): 733 Plant, Wuhan, China

Selected Publications

  • 1. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Lei Zhang, Peng Zhang. Effects of electrode force on microstructure and mechanical behavior of the resistance spot welded DP600 joint. Materials & Design 2013, 50: 72-77

  • 2. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Xiaodong Wang, Xuenong Wang, Fa Chen, Dongjie Liang. Process analysis and optimization for failure energy of spot welded titanium alloy. Materials & Design 2014, 60: 479-489

  • 3. Xiaodong Wan, Yuanxun Wang, Peng Zhang. Modelling the effect of welding current on resistance spot welding of DP600 steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2014, 214: 2723-2729

  • 4. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Suning Sheng, Zongguo Lin. An effective quality assessment method for small scale resistance spot welding based on process parameters. NDT&E International 2013, 55: 36-41

  • 5. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Suning Sheng, Zongguo Lin. Real time monitoring weld quality of small scale resistance spot welding for titanium alloy. Measurement 2013, 46: 1957-1963

  • 6. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Suning Sheng, Zongguo Lin. Multi-objective optimal design of small scale resistance spot welding process with principal component analysis and response surface methodology. Journal of International Manufacturing 2014, 25(6): 1335-1348

  • 7. Peng Zhang, Jun Xie, Yuanxun Wang*, Effects of welding parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of resistance spot welded DP600 joints, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2011, 16(7), 567–574

  • 8. Xiaodong Wan, Yuanxun Wang, Peng Zhang. Effects of welding schedules on resistance spot welding of DP600 steel. ISIJ International 2014, 54(10):2375-2379

  • 9. Xiaodong Wan, Yuanxun Wang, Cuixia Fang. Welding defects occurrence and their effects on weld quality in resistance spot welding of AHSS steel. ISIJ International 2014, 54: 1883-1889

  • 10. Dawei Zhao, Yuanxun Wang, Suning Sheng, Zongguo Lin. Quality monitoring research of small scale resistance spot welding based on voltage signal. ISIJ International 2013, 53: 240-244

  • 11. Yuanxun Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhigang Hou, Ying Wu, Analysis of the welding deformation of resistance spot welding for sheet metal with unequal thickness, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 2010, 4 (8), 1214-1222

  • 12. Peng Zhang, Jun Xie, Zheng Ma, Ying Wu, Yuanxin Wang, An Experimental Investigation on Joints Quality of the Spot Welded DP600, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2011, 24(S), 1-5

  • 13. Hu Cai, Peng Zhang, Yuanxun Wang, Prediction Control Method of Spot Welded Nugget Size Based on Finite Element Analysis of Thermo-electricity Transient, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes (ICAMMP 2011), 2011/12/16- 2011/12/18,151-165, Guilin, 2012, report

Awards and Honors

1. Hubei Science and Technology Progress Award, Second-class, 2011

2. Hubei National Science Award, Third-class, 2008

3. Shandong Science and Technology Progress Award, Third-class, 2005

4. Hubei Teaching Achievement Award, First-class, 2009

5. Baosteel prize of excellent teachers, 2013

Courses Taught

0800052:Engineering Mechanics

0800184:Design of Machinery


l Numerical analysis on performance of dual phase dynamic resistance spot welding of high strength steel considering the effects of phase transition, NSFC (2010-2014)

l Strength robustness and flexible design principle for fiber reinforced composites, NSFC (2003-2005)

l Simulation of stamping process of car body parts, Wuhan Steel Co.,LTD , China (2003-2005)

l Simulation of welding deformation and welding jig design, Shanghai show-kyoei Automotive Equipment Co.,LTD , China (2005-2007)

职称 Phone
Email Academic Areas
Research Interests Academic Degrees
Professional Experience Selected Publications
Courses Taught Project