Phone: (86) 27-87543501
Academic Areas: Solid Mechanics
Research Interests: Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation, Micro-plasticity, Fracture and Damage
Academic Degrees
PhD in Engineering, 1997,Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China
Professional Experience
Full Professor (2003-present); School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
Associate Professor (2000-2003); School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics
Selected Publications
1. Huang, MS; Li, ZH, 2015. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 85: 74-97.
2. Liang, S; Huang, MS; Li, ZH, 2015. International Journal of Solids and Structure 56-57: 209-219.
3. Yang, H; Huang, MS; Li, ZH, 2015. Computational Materials Science 99: 348-360.
4. Huang, MS; Li, ZH et al., 2014. International Journal of Plasticity 61: 112-127.
5. Huang, MS; Tong, J;Li, ZH, 2014. International Journal of Plasticity 54:229-246.
6. Yang, H; Li, ZH; Huang, MS, 2014. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22: 085009.
7. Huang MS; Zhu YX; Li ZH, 2014. Chinese Physics Letters 31: 046102 .
8. Huang, MS;Li, ZH, 2013. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 61: 2454-2472.
9. Yang, H; Li, ZH et al. 2013. Computational Materials Science 75: 52-59 .
10. Fan, HD; Li, ZH; et al. Scripta Materialia 67: 225-228.
11. Fan, HD; Li, ZH,et al., 2012, Scripta Materialia 66: 813-816 .
12. Fan, HD; Li, ZH, et al. 2011. International Journal of Solids and Structure 48 : 1754-1766.
13. Ouyang, CJ; Li, ZH; et al. 2010. International Journal of Solids and Structure 47:3103-3114 .
14. Ouyang, CJ; Huang, MS; Li, ZH, et al. 2010. Computational Materials Science 47:940-950.
15. Hou, CT; Li, ZH et al. 2009. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 22: 295-306 .
16. Li, ZH; et al. 2009. Computational Materials Science 46:1124-1134.
17. Ouyang, CJ; Li, ZH et al. 2009. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 526:235-243.
18. Hou, CT; Li, ZH et al. 2008. Acta Materialia 56 : 1435-1446.
19. Huang, MS; Li, ZH et al. 2007. Acta Materialia 55:1387-1396 .
20. Zhu, YX; Li, ZH; et al., 2015. International Journal of Plasticity 72 : 168-184.
21. Xiong, QL; Li ZH et al. 2015. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471: 20150614
22. Xiong, QL; Li ZH et al. 2015. Journal of Physics D- Applied Physics 48:375502.
23. Zhu, YX; Li, ZH et al. 2014. Journal of Applied Physics 115:233508.
24. Zhu, YX; Li, ZH, et al.2013. Scripta Materialia 68: 663-666.
25. Zhu, YX; Li, ZH et al. 2013.Computational Materials Science 70: 178-186.
26. Luo, J; Li, ZH; Xiao, ZM, 2014. Acta Mechanica 225: 3187-3197.
27. Huang, MS; Li, ZH. 2010. International Journal of Damage Mechanics 19: 883-897.
28. Huang, MS; Li, ZH, 2006. International Journal of Solids and Structure 43: 4097-4115.
29. Li, ZH; Steinmann, P , 2006. International Journal of Plasticity 22: 1195-1216.
30. Huang, MS; Li, ZH, 2005: International Journal of Plasticity 21:: 1568-1590 .
31. Li, ZH; Huang, MS, 2005. International Journal of Plasticity 21: 625-650.
32. Huang, MS; Li, ZH; et al.2005. Acta Mechanica Sinica 21: 272-277 .
33. Li, ZH et al. 2003. International Journal of Plasticity 19: 213-234 .
34. Li, ZH et al. 2003. International Journal of Solids and Structure 40:3935-3954 .
35. Li, ZH et al. 2002. International Journal of Plasticity 18: 249-279.
36. Li, ZH et al. 2002. International Journal of Solids and Structure 39: 601-616.
Courses Taught
Mechanics of Materials
Plasticity Foundation
Mechanical behavior of Material and its Simulation
The time-dependent plasticity of small sized polycrystals under thermal-mechanical loading and its multi-defect coupling dynamics, NSFC, 2015-2018.
Interface effect on deformation and fracture of nanoscale metallic multilayered films and its discrete dislocation dynamic modeling. NSFC, 2013-2016.